G2S Scope (RGS)
Incredibly innovative gaming solutions.

G2S Scope (RGS)

The RadBlue G2S Scope (RGS) is the EGM developer’s bench tool – it acts as a well-behaved host, supporting every G2S class and provides a willing partner as you explore G2S.

System Requirements:

  • Operating System (64-bit):
    Windows (11 or Server) or Linux
  • Memory: 4 GB (minimum)
  • Disk Space: 1 GB
  • Evaluation License from RadBlue to try out the product


G2S Scope (RGS) Downloads:
Version 92.0.0 | G2S 1.1 to 3.1 | 64-bit Windows | 64-bit Linux

Need help installing on a secure network?
Click here for instructions.


The Send Command function sends G2S commands, one at a time, to the EGM. The G2S Scope allows you to configure all command attributes prior to sending each command.

The G2S Scope lets you analyze EGM responses to the commands you send by presenting responses in an easy-to-use form that allows you to drill-down into each message. You can, of course, always view the message in its original (XML) form.

With G2S Scope filtering options, getting the information you need is easy. You can choose to view an entire message transcript (all messages, sent in both directions) or any selected subset of messages. Various views and sort options allow you to verify message content and troubleshoot implementation issues.


Go Further with the Tester Toolkit

The Tester Toolkit package provides an optional set of features for the RadBlue G2S Scope (RGS) that automate and extend the functionality of the RGS.

The Tester Toolkit consists of 4 modules – Custom Scripting, Startup Algorithm editor, Response Manager, and the Advanced Transcript Analyzer. Each one of these modules dramatically enhances the RGS.

  • With Custom Scripting, you can easily create powerful scripts that automate the RGS through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
  • The Startup Algorithm lets you create any sequence of commands that are sent to the EGM when communications are initiated.
  • The Response Manager lets you customize how RGS responds to any G2S command sent by the EGM.
  • The Advanced Transcript Analyzer lets you easily find any errors in the transcript, and then quickly see the details of the problem.