As you consider moving to open standard gaming protocols, it may be useful to view open standards in a larger context. Here are links to a couple short blogs and an interview that talk about what open standards are and are not, and how they can impact both the producers and consumers of technology. Enjoy. […]
Featured discussion: Is Darwin coming to the slot floor?
With interoperability comes the promise of choice for casino operators. Innovation and responsiveness play a key role in finding market share for new open-standard technologies. But is that a viable strategy for the casino industry? Are casino operators interested in the kind of choice that drives other markets?
Networks and standards and servers – oh, my!
Many of the gaming technology terms bandied about these days revolve around an idea of high-speed gaming, which may or may not be the standards-based, high-speed gaming that we here at RadBlue have dedicated ourselves. But what really differentiates “networked gaming” from “server-based gaming” from “gaming standards”? Perhaps some definitions are in order: Networked Gaming […]
Cool technologies we’d like to see on a networked slot floor
Now that most gaming vendors are knee-deep in their development of G2S- and S2S-based products, we thought that we would put together a list of current technologies we would like to see on the slot floor. All of these technologies could be supported or integrated using a high-speed network and Gaming Standards Association protocols. Here are our […]
Welcome to the RadBlue blog!
Networked gaming is based on open standards. In that spirit, we’ve created new spaces for the gaming technology community to learn, ask questions and discuss networked gaming. The RadBlue Blog First, the new RadBlue blog will feature insights and discussions from RadBlue experts as well as leaders in the world of networked gaming. It will address […]